Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes during gameplay:
Result - Code:
Toggle God mode - dncornholio
God mode and unlimited jet pack - dnkroz
All weapons, maximum ammo, all keys, all items - dnstuff
Maximum armor, all keys, all items - dnitems
Use steroids, even if not in inventory - dnhyper
Press [Space] for money - dncashman
Alternate viewpoint - dnview
Display frame rate - dnrate
Change skill level - dnskill(skill level 0-4)
"Pirates Suck" message - dnbeta
"Register Cosmo" message - dncosmo
"Buy Major Stryker" message - dnallen
Walk through some walls - dnclip
Night vision - dnni
All keys - dnkeys
All weapons and ammo - dnweapons
Display debug information - dndebug
Display coordinates - dncoords
Display entire map - dnshowmap
Toggle all doors - dnunlock
Display message - dntodd
Toggle monsters - dnmonsters
All inventory - dninventory
Level select (example: dnscotty309 for episode 3 level 9) - dnscotty(episode number x)(level number xx)